When a function template has two parameterized types, one as the return value, and one as an argument, then THE FIRST TIME MUST BE EXPLICITLY CODED.
- The act of implicit and explicit coding, and implicit and explicit code, is defined by context of execution of additional behavior or type setting/casting. Specifically, implicit or explicit methods are defined by the contexts in which they are meant to be used.
- The explicit coding discipline favors clear and explicit expression of intent in the code.
- The uses-cases dictate the structure of the application. What the application does should not be implicitly hidden in an organization that the framework is trying to dictate you. Avoid having folders like /controllers, /views at the highest level of folders organization, in favor of folders containing features and use-cases: /categories, /products, etc.
- Template parameter represents a type that has not yet been specified, but that can be used in the template function as if it were a regular type.
In simple words, data mining is defined as a process used to extract usable data from a larger set of any raw data. It implies analysing data patterns in large batches of data using one or more software.
C. Process a risk acceptance for 2633 and remediate 3124.
There are various business risks. Some are inherited risks while other are risks are associated with nature of business. It is dependent on business owners that they want to accept risk or mitigate the risk. Risk acceptance is based on the strategy of the management. In the given scenario Accounting Prod Production has low risk 2633 which is accepted while 3124 is high risk which is remediated.
Functions of an operating system. An operating system provides three essential capabilities: It offers a UI through a CLI or GUI; it launches and manages the application execution; and it identifies and exposes system hardware resources to those applications -- typically, through a standardized API.