You will have a basic student council structure.
Have a voting event for every position, and have the most voted person for each position win the position for the term/year. Don't allow someone to run for two positions, and don't let the people running to vote.
If you're referring to the territorial expansion in the United States that was sanctioned by the government, land gave people "solid wealth" that was overall more valuable but was difficult to spend.
This would be called a trade embargo: the prohibition on a trade with the country that the embargo was imposed on.
A recent high-profile embargo is the embargo on Russian products by many European countries, which was imposed in response to the invasion of Crimea
They communicated through cave paintings. As we know, most painting were depicted to be animals, though there are few paintings that appear to have human etchings in the paintings. Some believe that they wanted to decorate the cave with the animals that they hunted to pay their respects for sustaining their ability to live. Others inquire that capturing the image of the animal made them believe that they could capture it during the hunt. Painting the animals on the cave could also mean that they were documenting their hunting expeditions.