cooperations , conflict and competition
Provide retrospective but not predictive explanations of development.
There are some critiques to the Evolutionary Theories, among them: Biological Deterministic way of seeing the Hominideos and in many ways reductionist, to make it complex things simpler.
Analyzing the options then:
Provide retrospective but not predictive explanations of development.
These theories were not able to fulfill a model of predicting the future, leaving it blank for speculations. Also, it does not provide a cohesive and coherent basis model to predict the Post Homo Sapiens' future.
Despite those and other criticisms, this hasn't been enough to discard the Evolutionary Theories. On the other hand, the criticisms should be open for the sake of science.
The government (Legislature)
The citizens have the fundamental right to decide who is going to lead them and basic freedom, in a Democratic system of government, but the legislative arm decides on how the freedom would be used.
<span>Although India has only 16 official languages, the people there speak more than 30 languages. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is option "A".
"</span>People in most societies cannot improve their status" is the one among the following choices given in the question that is true of social classes. the correct option is option "A".
One U.K. pound is worth $1.36 in U.S. dollars.