Humans created an imbalance in nature during the dust bowl by killing the Jack Rabbits.
in 1930 the Farmers problem was DUST BOWL PEST. The main problem was alteration in ECOLOGY make way for the pest called JACK RABBIT. It breed at a amazing rate . so more rabbits were formed.
The predators of rabbit were also moved to different place in search of water. so JACK RABBIT population surged more and ruined the crops of farmers and grass. so farmers kill rabbit.
After the rabbits GRASSHOPPERS developed enormously and devastated the fields.The people then sprayed pesticides and controlled them after this another pest developed thus resulting in the intervention of humans life and ecological cycle disturbed.
Otras características de la república son: igualdad ante la ley de todos los ciudadanos; los gobernantes son responsables ante el pueblo que los eligió, por sus actos de gobierno; y la publicidad de dichos actos, que no debe ser secreta, sino darse a conocer al público para ser controlados.
C. Delegates were chosen by state legislatures, and each state had one vote in Congress.
Politics of the Southern United States<span> (or </span>Southern politics<span>) refers to the political landscape of the </span>Southern United States<span>. Due to the region's unique cultural and historic heritage, the American South has been prominently involved in numerous political issues faced by the United States as a whole, including </span>States' rights<span>, </span>slavery<span>, </span>Reconstruction<span> and the </span>Civil Rights Movement<span>. The region was a "Solid South" voting heavily for Democratic candidates for president, and for state and local offices, from the 1870s to the 1960s. Its Congressmen gained seniority and controlled many committees. In presidential politics the South moved into the Republican camp in 1968 and ever since, with exceptions when the Democrats nominated a Southerner. Since the 1990s control of state and much local politics has turned Republican in every state.</span>
Massachusetts Institute of Technology