I was wondering the same thing
www.chegg.com/homework-help/questions-and-answers You recently discovered four new chemical mutagens (#1 - #4), but you do not know what type(s) of mutations these chemicals induce. You exposed E. coli to each chemical individually and observed mutant phenotypes. You then exposed this bacteria to a second known mutagen to observe if the mutations from chemicals #1 - #4 could be reversed. Your data is presented below. Mutations Induced by Mutations Reversed by Chemical EMS Acridine Orange 5-Bromouracil #1 No Yes No #2 Yes No Yes #3 Yes Yes Yes #4 No No No What type(s) of mutations are likely produced by chemical #3? A. transversions B. transitions C. frameshifts What type(s) of mutations are likely produced by chemical #4? A. transversions B. transitions C. frameshifts (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)
When intensity of light is low rate of photosynthesis will be low.
There's no direct effect of light intensity on rate of respiration.
I would also have to say B: those individuals whose traits give them an advantage in staying alive long enough to reproduce.....
I believe this is called natural selection. Hopefully this helps and good luck.