The economic implications have to do with agriculture. Look what happens when there is an outbreak of mad cow or hoof and mouth disease. Thousands of farmers lose their herds and are financially devastated. This also affects the consumer because the decrease in supply will drive up the costs. But, it could also have the opposite effect. If consumers no longer feel safe, then they will stop eating the particular food and the farmers will lose money.
The same is true with disease in plants. Tobacco mosaic virus can devastate crops, resulting in huge economic losses. On a grand scale, crop diseases can affect human history. Potato blight caused suffering and death in Ireland and resulted in massive migration. Many descendents from Irish folks in the U.S. wouldn't be here if it weren't for a crop disease.
Magnetism is a class of physical phenomena that are mediated by magnetic fields. Electric currents and the magnetic moments of elementary particles give rise to a magnetic field, which acts on other currents and magnetic moments.The Earth's magnetic field is somewhat caused by the composition of the earth's core which is rich in iron minerals. There is a solid inner core that is made of iron which makes up to 2/3 of the moon's size. The charged metal of the iron produces electric currents, consequently resulting to Earth's magnetic field.
it preserved and resourcefully used
In artificial selection, nature provided the variation, and human selected those variations that they found useful
1) D
2) B
3) C