Political support began with Alexander Hamilton and his Report on Manufactures at the turn of the 19th century, and continued with the Whig Party, led by Henry Clay from 1832 until its demise in 1852, and then by the Republican Party from its formation in 1856.
Answer:The nullification crisis was a United States sectional political crisis in 1832–33, during the presidency of Andrew Jackson, which involved a confrontation between the state of South Carolina and the federal government.
The nullification crisis was a United States sectional political crisis in 1832–33, during the presidency of Andrew Jackson, which involved a confrontation between the state of South Carolina and the federal government.
The US may eliminate a tariff because the increase of specialization and the benefits from economy scales.
Hope this helped(:
This civilization is between two rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. This is why Mesopotamia is known as the "land between the rivers".