1. Learn the basics of nonverbal communication.
One study found that nonverbal communication accounted for 55 percent of how an audience perceived a presenter. That means that the majority of what you say is communicated not through words, but through physical cues.
To communicate clearly and confidently, adopt proper posture. Avoid slouching, folding your arms or making yourself appear smaller than you are. Instead, fill up the space you are given, maintain eye contact and (if appropriate) move around the space.
Trachea Windpipe know as trachea
Temperament is the way a person behaves in daily life and how he or she reacts to daily situations. It is different in every human being and is more related to a biological origin than with social interactions or learnings. That is the reason why Gina's daughter and Miranda's son react and act differently even though they are close in age and may experience similar situations.
Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Queer
When you need to discrete, which typically comes as diarhhea if its severe. Hope this was helpful! (: