If you are talking about Beowulf, then Grendel is the representation of Cain. He is descendant of Cain, who committed the first murder ever. Cain and Abel were Adam and Eve's sons, and since Cain was jealous of Abel, he killed his own brother. Thus, every descendant of his is cursed, which is why Grendel is a monster.
Well, uniting against a common enemy has always been a great unifier. Plus, literally fighting for freedom made every person fighting believe very deeply in their cause, and so they could overcome differences with each other for that cause.
J: Cesar Chavez
b: Martin Luther King Jr.
i: Malcolm X
f: NOW
g: Betty Friedan
As a result of the rule limiting the size of the House of Representatives to _435 members, U.S. congressional districts on average now have very substantial populations