Answer: Critical thinking.
Rita is involved in critical thinking when making a decision on which phone to buy. Critical thinking involves gathering information on a subject matter, analysing the information and then coming to conclusion or making a decision based on information gathered.
Providing leadership, maintaining order, providing public services, national security, economic security, and economic assistance.
The six function of United States government are providing leadership which lead the country on the path of prosperity, maintaining law and order, providing public services such as justice, food and shelter, providing security to the citizen against internal and external threats, providing economic security in order to maintain the economy better, and providing economic assistance whenever a citizen needed any help in their business through loans.
The governors are enforced to empower all the laws of the state and they act as commander-in chief to the Kentucky’s state military force.
Four constitutions have been adopted by Kentucky and while adopting each constitution the governor’s duty have been enlarged. In the case of Kentucky’s governors position it has been predominantly taken over by a single government.
The governors also have the power to convene over the general assembly on extraordinary occasions. The governors are represented by the state to propose the biennial budget to every year sessions.
Answer: Option(c) is correct
According to the question, attaining idea about subject of passage through reading passage can be induced in children by making them practice this skill till this method is over-learned .It can be repeated over the time to make children skilled at this method.
Other options are incorrect because goals cannot be achieved through teaching student different skills, parents getting involved in child's assignment for identifying idea and self identification of idea in sentence. Thus, the correct option is option(c).
Atoms are the building block for one element whereas molecular are different element atoms bound together either covalently or ionically