the last one goes better.
3 topics
1) how many people are killed every year by guns.
2) Do gun laws really help prevent shootings
3) what states have the strictest gun laws, and do those strict laws prevent shootings.
hope this helps you.
Realistic fiction is fiction that could happen in real life. For example, the fault in our stars is an example of realistic fiction.
The definition of accept means to willingly take, receive or agree to an object or idea.
take a gift given as a thank you for a favor.
In Guy Maupassant's "A Piece of String" the suspicion is handled by the rivalry between Maitre Hauchecorne and Maitre Malandain. Malandain accused Hauchecorne of being a thief, when the major asks Hauchecorne about a black leather pocketbook that failed to return he was nervous and didn't know what to do. Ultimately, the accusations drive Hauchecorne to his deadly destiny.