Human and Social Biology is concerned with the study of the structure and functioning of the human body. It also involves the application of biological principles, knowledge and skills, and technological advances, to the maintenance of health and to solve the problems of living together.
Because the moon is rotating on its own axis and orbiting around the earth at the same time.
Hi! So what exactly do you need help with? If you want the whole thing helped with/done, nobody's going to do that whole thing for a measly five points... I suggest reposting it with a higher point prize.
City-state government was often conquered because they did not have enough resources to protect themselves
A city-state government is an independent autonomic political system which usually compromises just a single independent city which is governed by itself with sovereignty over its territory. The city-states like Greece, Italy, and Rome etc became very powerful.
The main reason for these city-states being conquered more was the accumulation of wealth and aristocracy in such states.
Heavy taxes, religion, slavery also lead to social unrest and conflicts among these city-states which made them weaker. These internal conflicts also made them lose their resources and vulnerable to be conquered by other powerful empires.
With the increasing power of neighboring states, like in the case of Rome and Greece, the Romans became mightier than Greeks at one point and conquered the Greek city-states.
A cladogram is a diagram used to represent a hypothetical relationship between groups of animals, called a phylogeny. A cladogram is used by a scientist studying phylogenetic systematics to visualize the groups of organisms being compared, how they are related, and their most common ancestors.