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A. Meta-conflict
Meta-conflict is about whether or how to engage in conflict. In case of conflict between Jon and Ana, they further tend to engage in conflict rather than ease it off. "You don't know" is the negation of Ana who does not disagree without losing her temper. Ana, on the other hand, is ready to "confront the issue" which means she is prepared to escalate the conflict. Ana does not believe in avoiding issue, the first lesson in easing conflict. Jon accuses Ana and Ana is ready to confront.
2 years 11 months and 8 days
A helping us evaluate our decisions
Sepoy Rebellion. noun. ... a revolt of the sepoy troops in British India (1857–59), resulting in the transfer of the administration of India from the East India Company to the crown. Expand. Also called Sepoy Mutiny, Indian Mutiny.