A species that is not native to an ecosystem but is introduced artificially. Usually cause harm to the native species in the area.
1.5 billion years ago
Protists are a collection formed up of protozoa, unicellular algae, and fungus forms. We will focus on the being part of this society: the protozoa (proto = first, zoa = beings). Protozoa are the earliest discovered collection of heterotrophic living that utilize and modify complicated meal particles into power. Although protozoans are only made up of a single cell, these organisms control to perform all the necessary responsibilities of life. The protozoa are split into four principal associations: the ciliates, the flagellates, the heliozoans, and the amoebas.
Nerve cells may begin to pass messages more slowly than in the past. Waste products can collect in the brain tissue as nerve cells break down. This can cause abnormal changes in the brain called plaques and tangles to form.
Breakdown of nerves can affect your senses. You might have reduced or lost reflexes or sensation. This leads to problems with movement and safety
yes it helps controll the fishes depth