-Central nervous system
-The nervous system consists of two main parts: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system: The central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord.
-The central nervous system controls most functions of the body and mind.It controls all parts of the body. It receives and interprets messages from all parts of the body and sends out instructions. The brain is the center of our thoughts, the interpreter of our external environment, and the origin of control over body movement.
-The spinal cord serves as a conduit for signals between the brain and the rest of the body and also controls simple musculoskeletal reflexes without input from the brain.
Following a cut or scrape ....
A Mitosis.
....repairs your skin
Respuesta: Energía eólica.
Explicación: La energía eólica o las cosas que utilizan energía eólica, como las turbinas eólicas, no liberan emisiones que puedan contaminar el aire o el agua. Por tanto, una fuente de energía no contaminante.
Espero que esto ayude, buena suerte! :)
are always unicellular
may have evolved from prokaryotes
</span><span>are more primitive than prokaryotes
Rough endoplasmic reticulum differ from smooth endoplasmic reticulum by the presence and absence of ribosomes in their surface.
Rough endoplasmic is named so because RER contain ribosomes at their surface and due to the presence of ribosomes rough endoplasmic reticulum play an importnt role in protein synthesis or translation.
Whereas smooth endoplasmic reticulum does not contain any ribosome in its surface.smooth endoplasmic reticulum helps in the biosynthesis of lipid and steroids along with detoxification of toxic compounds.