<h2>The answer is
"Physical Fitness."</h2>
Physical Fitness (according to the <u><em>Centers for Disease Control and Prevention</em></u>) is the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue and with ample energy to enjoy leisure-time pursuits and respond to emergencies. This definition clearly explains the answer, but I'll be giving you more details.
So, how are the daily life activities safely and effectively met without being fatigued?
This means that when you're physically fit, you can do many tasks without having injury (or less likely have an injury). This is because the person who exercises has kept his body strong and healthy.
What is adapting and responding favorably to physical effort?
This means that the person is positive about his wellness. He is positive about doing physical activities. He knows that this can result to a more enhanced quality of life for him. He is also interested in exercising because he's searching for personal growth.