Answer: static electricity builds up because of imbalance of charges between objects and its greater during cold winter because Since water allows electrons to travel freely, it’s less likely for static charges to build up in an environment where water is present. This is why static electricity is rarely an issue in the summertime — humid summer air holds more water than dry winter air.
Answer: Activation-synthesis hypothesis.
Explanation: Activation-synthesis hypothesis is proposed by John Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley. It is the theory of dreaming that explains that dreams are a result of biological processes. In other words it is a neurobiological theory of dreams. Activation-synthesis hypothesis theory explains that dreams are created by changes in neuron activity that activates the brainstem during rapid eye movement sleep.
People who have everything may not know the feeling of having nothing. The child who has nothing is willing to share because the child does not want someone to feel the same way that he/she did. Meaning, the poor child does not want someone to feel like they have nothing
The intolerable acts were one of the biggest causes of the American Revolution, if they had not been passed there is a good chance America would not have revolted against the British, or at least would not have done it when they did. Colonial times specifically would most likely not have had the turmoil of the Revolutionary War and all that went with it.