Un cuento de literatura realista es simplemente un cuento que se enfoca en aspectos reales, cotidianos y mundanos de la vida diaria, y que tiene un estilo de escritura directo.
Un tema puede ser acerca de un grupo de personas de bajos recursos que viven en un país de hispano América. El cuento hablaría, entonces, de como estás personas deben ganarse la vida día a día con mucho esfuerzo, y de como son víctimas de injusticias sociales, y del bajo desarrollo económico de su lugar de residencia.
the sahara desert is the reason why North Africa developed differently from southern Africa
Won control of all northern India and much of central India. The Safavid empire strengths: They were rich on trade because of location, Iranian art flourished and strong military?
D. It created more opportunities for higher education.
One of the impacts of the 90 percent literacy rate in the United States in the late 1800s was that it 8t created even more opportunity for higher education.
A person is said to be literate of he can read and write.
The empire was dissolved,following a military defeat by the french under Napoleon