glucose is produced a sugar water chemical
<h2><em>Pros</em></h2><h2>- Oil Has Lots of Use</h2><h2>- Crude Oil Can Be Stored Easily</h2><h2>- The Oil Industry Creates Jobs</h2><h2 /><h2>Cons </h2><h2>- Oil Energy Produces Toxic Gases</h2><h2>- Oil Leaks Are Possible</h2><h2>- Drilling For Oil Is Dangerous</h2>
The complementary sequence of nucleotides found on the other strand of DNA is <u>ACGAAT</u> when one strand in a segment of a gene has the base sequence TGCTTA.
Deoxyribonucleic acid is the one which carries the genetic information from the parent to the offspring. During DNA replication one strand of DNA replicates to produce another strand.
The DNA molecule have a anti-parallel structure and the two strands run in opposite direction. If in one strand in a segment of a gene has the base sequence TGCTTA the complementary sequence of nucleotides found on the other strand of DNA will be ACGAAT.
The correct answer would be zygote...blastocyst...embryo...fetus.
The fertilization of sperm and egg results in the formation of zygote. It receives genetic material from a male as well as a female parent.
It divides with the help of mitotic divisions and results in the formation of 2, 4, 8, and 16 celled stages.
It results in the formation of the hollow spherical ball of cells termed as a blastocyst. The cells are distributed to form the outer layer termed trophoblast and inner cell mass which gives rise to the embryo.
Trophoblast help in the implantation of the blastocyst into the uterine wall.
The cells of the embryo undergo organogenesis during different organs such as heart, brain, lungs et cetera are formed.
In humans, almost 9 weeks after the fertilization the developing embryo is considered a fetus.
The fetus development continues until birth.