When Gregor Mendel asked this question, he found that different genes were inherited independently of one another, following what's called the law of independent assortment.
The MOST reasonable explanation is that<em> animals have diversified into the vast number of niches provided by tree diversity</em>.
The tropical rainforest as a biome is located in areas near the equator, where precipitations are abundant and the average temperature is elevated most of the year. As a result of the climatic conditions, this biome gives shelter to a huge number of living organisms. Also, the canopy structure provides many refuges for plants and animals and is an important source of food. It also favors interactions between species. For example, there are too many plant species that live in trees, such as bromeliads, and at the same time they provide refuge to other small animals, like frogs.
There are also too many species in the rainforest that have not been discovered yet.
DNA pairs with adenosine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine
RNA pairs with uracil, adenosine, cytosine, and guanine
Sporophyte embryo.
Seed coat are one of the three parts of the seed of plants. The endosperm, embryo and seed coat. The number one function of seed coat is for protection against the environment. A seed need protection from water, heat,. This can all affect the chance of being a mature animal. This can also provide insuation during sub freezing temperatures. It also protects the endosperm which is the primary source of food of the developing embryo.