These are telltale signs that Valerie is suffering from Heat exhaustion.
Heat exhaustion is a part of heat related illnesses that begin with heat cramps, progresses to heat exhaustion, and finally to heat stroke.
The body cools itself by heavy sweating and allowing that sweat to evaporate.
Heat exhaustion symptoms include excessive thirst, headache, weakness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, muscle cramps and a weak, rapid pulse.
In addition to endocrine glands, some organs whose functions are primarily nonendocrine also produce hormones. these endocrine tissues include heart and kidneys.
The heart can act as an endocrine organ by releasing natriuretic peptides that lower the blood pressure. Those are an A-type natriuretic peptide (ANP) from the from stretched atria and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) from the ventricles.</span>
The kidney secretes two hormones: erythropoietin (EPO) which increase the production of red blood cells and calcitriol (active vitamin D3) which promotes the absorption of Ca and its release from the bones.</span>
The fox receives all the energy from what it's pray ate and so on.
fertilizer creating a mutation among a farmer's crops
A genetic factor is one that affects the gene or genome of an individual organism. This genetic factor often influences the observable trait called PHENOTYPE of the organism. In this case, an example of a genetic factor that could influence the growth or development of an organism created by an environmental factor is the "fertilizer creating a mutation among a farmer's crops"
The fertilizer represents the environmental/chemical factor which is creating the genetic factor (mutation) that will eventually influence the growth or development of the crops.