D. 1:7
We might never find out, but what is amazing about helots is that there were seven of them per a single Spartan. You heard it right, seven slaves per a single free citizen.
Para México en la actualidad, es prioritario generar estrategias y herramientas que ayuden a controlar la problemática ambiental, la cual se manifiesta en una alta tasa de contaminacion ambiental, contaminacion de los suelos y aguas, sumado a un descontrolado uso de los recursos naturales
The ability to be used as, or directly converted to, of cash is called liquidity.
In accounting, liquidity is the availability of means of payment in very short-term cash, or the immediate availability of cash.
In financial terms, the term indicates the aptitude of an investment to be transformed into money quickly and possibly without losses.
In terms of capital, the term also defines the situation characterized by a considerable availability of cash and/or other means of payment that can be easily and quickly converted into cash.