For easier calculation,
convert 4years 8months into months. This would give you 56months.
Amit is 56months old.
4 units/proportion =56
1 unit=56/4
5unit=56/4 ×5(simplify)
2.- 100
Step-by-step explanation 1:

↑ As we can see, the only common multiple between 4 and 25 that is given to is 100.
Step-by-step explanation 2:

↑ Another way of knowing the answer is by using a fraction solving method. As we can see, the denominator is once again 100.
Hope it helped,
Convert the fractions to decimals:
You have to find 2 fractions between these 2 numbers. You could pick anything.
7/10= 0.7 = less than 0.8 but greater than 0.6
75/100=0.75 = less than 0.8 but greater than 0.6
Hope this helps
Step-by-step explanation:
A linear equation (degree 1) will have one root. A quadratic equation (degree 2) will have two roots. A cubic equation (degree 3) will have three roots. An nth degree polynomial equation will have n roots.
There is no quotient: if x is equal to zero, then your problem would simplify to a number divided by zero. As it is impossible to divide by zero, there is no answer.