B) The public is wary of sharing confidential information after a recent spate of credit card scandals.
There are several advantages of click-only companies, especially that they are able to offer lower prices since they don't need to support the costs of brick-and-mortar stores.
But the whole idea of selling through the internet is based on the customers' trust on new technologies and they specially dislike when the new technologies fail, e.g. when a hacker discloses the accounts and passwords of millions of users.
The way economists would probably explain the wastage of
this clam resource is by saying that clams are free goods and are therefore
subject to the tragedy of the commons effect. The tragedy of the commons effect
is a theory in economics, postulated by the Victorian economist William Forster
The tragedy of the commons effect describes a condition
within a shared-resource system where each user act freely according to their
own self-interest, but their collective actions ends in the depletion or spoilage
of that resource, thus having a negative impact on the common good of all users.
In this case, commons is taken to refer to the clam resources.
Financial accounting is the aspect of accounting that is concerned with the summary, analysis and reporting of financial transactions related to a business.
While managerial accounting is the aspect of accounting that is concerned with the identification, measurement, analysis, and interpretation of accounting information to help managers plan for the future, make decisions for the company, and determine if their plans and decisions were accurate and efficient.
1. Helps Creditors make lending decisions is related Financial Accounting.
2. Helps in planning and controlling operations is related to Managerial Accounting.
3. Is not required to follow GAAP is related to Managerial Accounting.
4. Has a focus on the future is related to Managerial Accounting.
5. Summary reports prepared quarterly or annually is related to Financial Accounting.