Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide
"Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) is synthesized from riboflavin and two molecules of ATP. Riboflavin is phosphorylated by ATP to give riboflavin 5′-phosphate (also called flavin mononucleotide, FMN). FAD is then formed from FMN by the transfer of an AMP moiety from a second molecule of ATP."
First pass metabolism of a drug is said to occur when the concentration of a drug that is administered orally is significantly reduced before it reaches the systemic circulation.
First pass metabolism usually occur in the liver.
The routes of drug administration that avoid complete first pass metabolism are: sublingual, transdermal, rectal and inhalation.
No. they were all joined together and then they separated
A. bind and unwind double helix
Agricultural chemicals is an example of a nonpit source of freshwater pollution