Trypsin cuts at lysine and arginine amino acid residues at the carboxyl end. Chymotrypsin cuts at tryosine , phenylalanine, and tryptophan amino acid residues at the carboxyl end.
Trypsin and chymotrypsin are known as proteolytic enzymes which are actively involved in the digestive system. They are both secreted by the pancreas and are majorly involved in the breakdown of protein in the small intestine.
Trypsin cuts at lysine and arginine amino acid residues at the carboxyl end. Chymotrypsin cuts at tryosine , phenylalanine, and tryptophan amino acid residues at the carboxyl end.
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Cell is our microscopic structure. We have Trillions of cells in our body, which plays very important roll. Our every tissue, organ, organ system, our whole body has composed of cells. In order to make a nice and informed decision for our health, we must need to understand our body at cellular level
Hope this helps!
<span>The cytoplasm of the cell.</span>
These are signs of amniotic fluid embolism, a rare emergency that can occur during the very last stages of labour. This is caused by the circulation of amniotic fluid in the blood stream of the pregnant woman. The nurse should administer oxygen using a facemask, in order to increase the oxygen intake of the woman.