The brain structure that receives information from all the
senses except smell is the thalamus. This is located above the brain stem of the
brain in which is a small structure that is responsible for having to receive
or pass sensory signals to the brain’s cerebral cortex.
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The sympathetic ganglia spreads the stimulus to all postganglionic sympathetic neurons.
Tropical Seasonal Forest ans Scrub
This is the transition between rain forest and grasslands. The plants can be observed to have broadleaf with the presence of deciduous tress. There is an open parkland to dense undergrowth. Acacias and some thorn tress are in open growth. The temperature can be variable but it is always warm. This also have an annual precipitation of 130-200 cm. Precipitates can go to less than 40 during the 4 driest months of the year.
B: It occurs only in cells in the reproductive structures of organisms.