<span>Militia is a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency. </span>
Answer: It is generally taught in the schools that Lichcchavi Period was the Golden Age because of the art and architecture, culture and language, and the socio-political structure the Lichchhavi kings brought.
A <em>for me have a good dah :)</em>
Let us first define what is euphoria. Euphoria is when an individual experiences pleasure or excitement. This is when a person also feels intense feelings of well-being and happiness. When you have this feeling, you are having the best time of your life. There are already a lot of references that directly relate exercise and happiness. One reference says that being fit really has a huge impact on our mental health, moods and happiness. Take another basis which says that getting yourself a workout routine will make you take of your mind from all the worries and stress of out of your busy life. Eventually, this will then for sure create happiness.