The internet can be compared to many stuff, such as a world wide web, or a huge box with stuff and you put in what you want and it comes out!
All of the above.
API is an acronym for application programming interface and it can be defined as a software intermediary (computing interface) comprising of sets of codes, tools and protocols that helps software applications and the computer to communicate with each other, as well enable the exchange of data. Some examples of popular APIs are Go-ogle, Face-book, Twitter etc.
The main characteristics and functions of an application programming interface (API) includes;
I. Allows different devices to connect with each other.
II. Allows for Interactivity between devices and software.
III. Messenger program that takes requests and delivers the response back to the user.
IV. Allows the creation of applications that access the features or data of an operating system, application, or other services.
V. Specifies how software components should interact.
VI. Used when programming graphical user interface (GUI) components
The answer for the blank space given in the question is a type of arrow called four-headed arrow.
Four-headed arrow can be found in many computer software and applications, including in Microsoft Excel. Generally, <u>it is used to move an object from one place to another.</u> In the given scenario described at the question, it is used to move a cell from one location to another.
yes there is an answer to this question