<span>In the great Gatsby, the trio on horseback treat Gatsby when they drop by for a visit with respect. The answer is letter C. But then Gatsby did not know that the trio does not want him to be part of their circle because he came from being poor to a new rich kid. Dan cody was Gatsby's master who took Gatsby away from poverty and introduce him to how the rich lives.
11.shs is late
12.I know because she threw her books in her bag and ran out of the door
13.she is going to school
14.I know because she had to back her backpack
15.He was waiting so he could go with james
16.I know because he was saying that he hopes that James would show up
17.No, they are not friends
18."Kelvin hoped that he wouldn't ", in that sentence he was saying that he hoped that James wouldn't show up
19.He was nervous because he didn't k own if James was going to show up or not
20.the first and second sentence
transitive verb is a verb in which the action passes from the subject
of the sentence to the direct object of the sentence; in other words,
the subject is doing something to the object. The answer is D; the
verb caught is transitive because the action is passing from Daniel
-the subject- to fish -the object-.</span>
The words "slavery", "devils", and "murderer" evoke a sense of:
A. anger and injustice.
Thomas Paine (1737-1809) was a British writer and political philosopher. Paine supported the American revolution, claiming in his writings that England had no right to subjugate the American colonies.
That is, as a matter of fact, the theme of the passage we are analyzing here. Paine uses words such as "slavery", "devils", and "murderer" in order to convey feelings of anger and injustice. What England wants for itself and America is an owner-slave relationship. In doing so, the king of England is acting in a way that is not appeasing to God, an evil way. The king is, according to Paine, just like a regular thief or murderer.
As we can see, Paine is appealing to the readers' emotion, to their sense of justice, to convey his point. The same way that having one's house broken into by a burglar is enough to make anyone angry, so should be having your country broken into.