Programmers/Coders write the instructions for a Computer.
If your cpu usage levels are greater than 90% during most of your work session, a faster CPU can greatly increase your computer's performance
CPU usage level is a good indicator for the computer performance.
Generally, computers use a low portion of their CPU power. When you open an application or listen to music on your computer, CPU usage level increases. After CPU intensive process ends, the CPU usage should drop to lower level again.
But if the CPU usage level is high all the time you use the computer, then it means that either there is a problem causing continuous CPU usage or your CPU is not fast enough. In the case of latter, you'd better to have a faster CPU.
It’s RFID because they didn’t have enough money
A register is a temporary storage area built into a CPU. ... The instruction register fetches instructions from the program counter (PC) and holds each instruction as it is executed by the processor. The memory registers are used to pass data from memory to the processor.