The main difference between the salary and hourly calculator is that the salary calculator is paid to an employee on the basis of an annual amount that is known as salary and hourly calculator is based on the hourly payment. This is the basic difference between the salary and hourly calculator. For a salaried employee, the number of hours worked in a month can vary without affecting the total salary fixed. In case of hourly calculated payment, the number of hours worked has a direct impact on the payment received. If the number of hours worked is less then the hourly calculated payment will also be less.
After-sales service
After-sales service are all the efforts of a business to keep its clients happy and satisfied with the products they have purchased. It is providing care to customers after they have made purchases from the business. After-sale service help in retaining and building loyal customers.
Some of the techniques used in after-sales service include
- Keeping in touch with customers after purchases
- Responding to customer queries either on call, emails, or customer visit
- Offering technical supports when a customer is facing challenges like in the scenario described above
Answer: Check attachment
A cash basis income statement is simply referred to as an income statement which contains revenues and expenditures for the company whereby cash has either being received or paid by the company.
For accrual basis income statement, revenue and expenditures are recorded when they're either earned or made.
Check the attachment for more analysis.
merge law and equity
In resolving labour related or welfare issues the best way to do so will be to hear the grievances of the striking workers and try to find an equitable solution to the situation.
However if all reasonable avenues have been pursued and they still don't want to comply, then legal measures can be taken to make them work.
In this scenario Reginald should call the striking workers and try to come to an equitable solution for the business and workers where there will be a win-win.
If this does not work he can use the law to compel them to comply.
Jane will be asked to perform a task that counter her fear. For instance, she can be asked to attend a closed door party which will not allow anyone to leave until after the party. Systematic desensitization technique is a behavior therapy used by psychologists to help patients effectively overcome their fear and anxiety disorders. The method functions by exposing the patients to their fears gradually.