Suppose that you set the application-level environment setting for current workspace in the geoprocessing options to store all your data in the same geodatabase, but you want the outp…
Set a model-level environment setting for the workspace because it will override the application level.
The desktop as it is famously known is a computer display area that represents the most fundamental element of a computer’s GUI. It is the default display of a computer when it boots up. It can be contained in a window that can be a part or a full screen.
Program for measurement in meters and then converts it into miles, feet, and inches:
void main()
{ float meter, mile, feet, inches;
cout<<"enter meters";
mile= meter×0.000621371;
inches= meter×39.3701;
cout<<"Value of"<<meter<<"meter"<<"in feet is"<<feet<<"feet":
cout<<"Value of"<<meter<<"meter"<<"in mile is"<<mile<<"mile";
cout<<"Value of"<<meter<<"meter"<<"in inches is"<<inches<<"inches";