<span>Gametogenesis is the process of forming gametes (by definition haploid, n) from diploid cells of the germ line. Spermatogenesis is the process of forming sperm cells by meiosis (in animals, by mitosis in plants) in specialized organs known as gonads (in males these are termed testes).</span>
10 things I know about you:
1. You are reading this
2. You are a human
3. You can't say the letter "p" without separating your lips
4. You just attempted to do it
6.You are laughing at yourself
7. You have a smile on your face and skipped number 5.
8. You just checked to see if there was a number 5.
9. You laugh at this because you fell for it and everyone else did too.
10. Now copy and paste this to see who else falls for it! # i know what you doing.
A) because if you look at the chart, the numbers on the right increase then decrease when it hits 19:00.
Hope this helps!!
The correct matches are:
- all: omni-
- first: prim-
- eat: -vor
- few: oligo-
- under: sub-
- below: sub-
- from: de-
- out of: de-
- remove: de-
- water: hydro-
- flesh: carn-
- animal: zoo-/zoa-
- killer: -cide
- self: auto-
- between: inter-
- other: hetero-
- food/nourishment: troph
- heat: calor-
- beyond: ultra-
- within: intra-
- light: photo-
- alongside: para-
Since scientific terms are harder to understand, some common prefixes (word added to beginning of another) , suffixes (word added at the end) and root words can be used to correctly guess the meaning of a biological term. Most of the terms have been derived from ancient Greek and Roman words.
- The prefix omni- means all. E.g, an omnivore is a type of animal that eats both plants and animals.
- Prim- is a prefix that means first or foremost. In some cases, it also means basic or fundamental. E.g the primal instincts of any animal are its basic and innate characteristics.
- Vor is a suffix that mean eat or devour. E.g, carnivore is an animal that eats meat.
- Oligo is a prefix that means few or little. E.g, oligosaccharide is a carbohydrate containing few sugar molecules.
- The prefix sub- means both under and below. E.g, subcutaneous means under the layer of the skin.
- The prefix sub- means both under and below. E.g, subcutaneous means under the layer of the skin.
- The prefix de- means remove, away from or down. E.g to degrade means to break down or break away.
- The prefix de- means remove, away from or down. E.g to degrade means to break down or break away.
- The prefix de- means remove, away from or down. E.g to degrade means to break down or break away.
- The prefix hydro means water. E.g, hydroelectric power is energy derived from water.
- Carn is a prefix that means flesh or meat. E.g, a carnivore is an animal that eats meat.
- The prefix zoo or zoa defines an animal or of animal origin. E.g, zoology i.e. the study of animals.
- The suffix, -cide means to kill or destroy. E.g, fungicide is a chemical that kills fungi.
- Auto is a prefix that means self. E.g, autophagy is the pahgocytosis or engulfing of the body cells by other cells of the body.
- Inter is a prefix that means between. E.g, intercellular means between the cells.
- The prefix heter or hetero means different or other. E.g, heterogeneous is a type of mixture that contains different types of elements.
- Troph is a suffix that means feed or nutrition or nourishment. E.g, autotroph is an organism that produces its food by itself.
- Calor means heat. E.g, calorimeter is an instrument that measures heat or change in heat.
- Ultra is a prefix that mean beyond. E.g, ultrasonics are sound waves that are beyond the audible hearing range.
- Intra is a prefix that means within. E.g, intracellular means within or in the cell.
- Photo is a prefix that means light. E.g, photosynthesis is a process that plants use to make food by capturing light.
- Para is a prefix that means beside, near, equal or alongside. E.g parathyroid is a gland near the thyroid gland.
Wind power
could have an almost immediate impact on air quality by halting the production of these particles.