On the surface it looks plausible, because, by taking farm animals off the ... “The crops fed to industrially reared animals worldwide could feed an extra ... birds such as barn owls, turtle doves and skylarks are being stripped away, ... In the long term regenerative farming – a broad term that includes all sorts .
I want to say it's C cuz to me that would make more since..
Life is not meaningless. From my perspective, at least. Life is a part of journey we all must endure, so we can move on to more. Think of it as a test you need to pass, a life you need to live to move on. Life teaches you things that can help you after, in other places, possibly other lives. Life may seem useless, ut once it's over, yuo might be surprised at what you learn and have. Not only that, yuo make bonds with people and those themselves can give you lessons that mak elife worthwhile. So, in my perspetive, no, Albert Camus, Life is not meaningless, and everything we do matters.