Here are the five ethnic groups in united states based on their household income:
- Asian , with median household income of 77,368 dollars per year
- Caucasian, with median household income of 59,698 per year
- Latin and Indian, with median household income of 42,461 per year
- American Indian, with median household income of 38,530
- African American, with median household income of 36,544 per year
Answer:The Kurdish–Turkish conflict is an armed conflict between the Republic of Turkey and various Kurdish insurgent groups, which have demanded separation from Turkey to create an independent Kurdistan, or to have autonomy and greater political and cultural rights for Kurds inside the Republic of Turkey.
County convention is like a gathering among counties and the statements that best describes what county convention is are the following: Nominated the governor, Nominated country officers, and lastly, choose delegates to the state convention. The answers are the second, fourth, and fifth options.
The world war I
Leave between nine and ten million deaths, additionally some twenty million wounded soldiers. Causing a great economic depression in nations like the United Kingdom and Germany, which meant a gigantic inflation for the last one. In Russia before the end of the war, the czar abdicated in February 1917 and then in November occurred the Bolshevik revolution. The Ottoman empire lost territories and new nations such as Turkey born, also occurred the establishment of the state of Israel.
The U.S.S.R
up to 20million people died in the Soviet Union (U.S.S.R)