During the Civil War, it was much easier for the North to obtain and manufacture items that were needed. Certain items during this time were very crucial and important for war, like weapons, clothes, medical supplies, and other things that were needed in abundance. The North definitely had an advantage during this time, as they had larger cities which contained industries which made much needed items.
Gunpowder was obviously needed during this time, but its ingredients had to be imported. Since the North controlled the main ports, they would get much more gunpowder and even some other items from outside forces.
Greenhouse brought the least amount of revenue into Georgia in 2002.
Population increased in the mid-17th century because there was more religious tolerance after the Thirty Years' War.
In 1650, the Thirty Years' War had just ended. This war was fought when princes in what is modern-day Germany rebelled against the Catholic Holy Roman Emperor for the freedom to worship as Protestants. When the war ended, there was a declaration of religious tolerance. The idea of a Catholic empire, ruled by one leader and guided by the pope, was over. It was the beginning of modern Europe.
New technologies were invented
Many people moved to the cities.
There were fewer farmers