Answer:The second has 124 different kinds of play. Each child in the first picture seems to be playing alone whereas the second picture depicts everyone having a playmate or someone else to socialize with.
You didn't really provide us with any options? It must be noted that generally, the structure of the skeletal system also dictates its function. With that I mean that having bones and a skeletal system enables us to move more efficiently and to have the pose which we have.
It really depends, think of it as 2 light bulbs in each parent. if both light bulbs in both parents are switched on that means their genes that they inherited are only able to have brown eyed babies, although if just 1 of the 4 light bulbs are not on it allows the baby to have blue eyes.
Answer: Because social characteristics such as class, gender, and ethnicity influence life chances, they are allocated unequally among individuals and groups. People in higher social classes have a better likelihood of getting adequate healthcare and decent housing than those in lower social classes.
1. Epidermis
2. K<span>eratin
3. D</span><span>ermis
4. A</span><span>cne
5. B</span><span>ody odor
6. W</span><span>ashing
7. Ea</span><span>rdrum
8. E</span><span>ar canal
9. W</span><span>ax
10. O</span><span>ssicles
11. C</span><span>ochlea
12. E</span><span>arache
</span>13. E<span>ar drops
</span>14. E<span>ar plugs</span><span>