Function signature can be defined as a combined term used to refer to the function name, function return type, no of arguments , type of arguments.
The signature of function is seen as a combined term used to refer to the function name, function return type, number of arguments , type of arguments.
When overloaded functions is been defined, they are different in numbet of arguments or type of argument passed.
To understand this better refer to the program code below.
C++ code.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int multiply(int a, int b)
cout << a*b <<endl;
return 0;
int multiply(int a, int b, int c)
cout << a*b*c <<endl;
return 0;
int main()
//function with two arguments passed
multiply(3, 50);
//function with three arguments passed . It is different in number of arguments passed. Thus here function signature is different
multiply(4, 20, 10);
Answer:Document the reason for the request, Follow the company’s approval process for the implementation
The port 20 and 21 are used for the FTP connection, so before opening port 20 and 21 it is necessary to abide by the company data security policy which includes documenting the reason for the request and following company's approval process for its implementation.
Answer: A) Battery backup
A battery backup are used to provide the source of power backup to various hardware components and desktop computers. In many cases, the devices are plugged into UPS ( uninterruptible power supply) for backup power and it is also depend upon the size of the UPS.
All the battery backups are located inside so that is why, the devices are heavy in weight. Usually, the battery backup front required additional button for performing various functions.
And the battery backup devices are manufacture by using the varying degree of backup abilities.
The output is second half of the month, refers to both