D. simple main effect of gender.
A simple main effect refers to the effect that one independent variable has at various different levels of a second independent variable. In this example, Reba is examining the interaction between age and gender. However, she mainly focuses on the effect of a single variable (gender) at various levels of a second variable (different ages). This type of research allows researchers to have a more complete view of the phenomenon at hand.
It is not reasonable to say there is a correlation because it is categorical data. However if it was quantitative data, correlation doesn’t always mean causation, because there might be athird variable (lurking variable) that may have a better explanation for the correlation.
Is it not reasonable to say that there's a correlation between the type of car you own and the risk that it will be stolen because it is categorical data. However if it was quantitative data, correlation doesn’t always mean causation, because there might be a third variable that may have a better explanation for the correlation and it might as well means that the third-lurking variable affects the correlation; for example, those cars that are most frequently reported stolen may simply be the cars that are more commonly sold because they are cheaper than the cars that are stolen least often, and thus have a higher chance of being exposed to thieves.
- Honesty.
<u>Confucianism is elucidated as the moral system(based on philosophical as well as ethical principles or teachings) that guides humans to lead a simple life</u>. It is also known as 'Ruism' and first developed in ancient China by Mencius.
As per the question, the philosophy was entirely based on ethical as well as moral principles like humanity, respect, generosity, loyalty, harmony, reverence for elders, and justice. Since <u>'honesty' is one of the key moral values that directs humans to live in harmony</u>, it would be the feature which Confucianism is based upon.
The above given statement is said to be false.
Bowen's multi generational approach is not interested in past happening alone. The multi-generational approach in fact tries to find out how the present problems or dysfunctions of specific family members are affected by the generational patterns.
This approach focuses on how the generations of families impact and affect the present behavior and conduct of the individual family members in the present times.
The approach takes into consideration facts related to the family rather than the emotions and thoughts of the families. Prior to this approach, the importance of family and its generations was not considered for the present condition of a family member.