The last choice is your answer.
Hi. I'm not sure if this is a multiple choice item but I'll try my best to answer. The term Learners with Continuous Partial Attention is applied primarily to students who do not consciously apply the Let Me Learn system. They multitask during learning situations.
Because you want to make sure you are making the right decisions. Like for instance if you didn’t make a decision to go to school or a career you would be a broke human being and in 2020 you need money to survive. You also need skills and Recognition.
The correct answer is A) payables.
Tammy is talented at the craft but lacks the cash flow management skills required to run a business. She opens a store, Tammy's Craft Corner, with the help of her son David - a business major - who manages the budgets and expenses of the business. David prepares the quarterly budget and maintains a company book for recording all transactions. The company book balance that David regularly updates is the sum of payables.
The book balance describes the amount of money available that can be used to pay other businesses or purchase anything needed after the adjustment after deposits in transit or checks that are not been cleared. The payables are the business obligation to pay-off a debt to its suppliers or creditors.
The other options of the question are B) chargebacks, C) deposits, and D) receivables.