X2 = 1.0792
Y2 = 2.0594
ΔX = 4.0792
ΔY = 3.0594
θ = 36.869897645844°
Equation of the line:
y = 0.75x + 1.25
When x=0, y = 1.25
When y=0, x = -1.6666666666667
X2 = -7.0792
Y2 = -4.0594
ΔX = -4.0792
ΔY = -3.0594
θ = 216.86989764584°
Equation of the line:
y = 0.75x + 1.25
When x=0, y = 1.25
When y=0, x = -1.6666666666667
6000 lbs
Step-by-step explanation:
A ton is 2000 lbs
2000 x 3 = 6000
Answer: The greatest amount of guest you can serve is 15
Step-by-step explanation: .60=3/5 .60 x 15 = 9 If you do another 3/5 it will be over how much icecream she has
The area of a triangle is .5 x base x height
The length would be 7 inches and the width would be 6 inches <span>☆ I hope this helps! If you need help showing work or anything I'd be happy to let you know in the comments :0</span>