An HTML is made up of several individual tags and elements such as the head, body. form, frame and many more.
In an HTML page, the meta element and the title element are placed in the head element.
An illustration is as follows:
<em>< head >
<em>< title > My Title < /title ></em>
<em> < meta charset="UTF-8" >
<em>< / head ></em>
<em />
The head element contains quite a number of elements and tags; some of them are:
- meta
- title
- style
- script
- base
And so on.
Hence, in order to use a meta-data element, the meta element has to be placed within the head element.
Read more about HTML elements at:
Comment<span> (computer programming) ... In computer programming, a </span>comment<span> is a programmer-readable explanation or annotation in the source code of a computer program. They are added with the purpose of making the source code easier for humans to understand, and are generally ignored by compilers and interpreters.</span>
Building your personal brand requires extreme care when it comes to social media presence. In the age of internet there is nothing hidden, so whatever you post or comment will be seen by your audience and it can go in either way. It can either make your brand or break it. It is of utmost importance to leave a pleasant and positive impact on your audience. One should not indulge in inappropriate or controversial debates and try to avoid being too personal on social media.
In microsoft powerpoint there are 2 or two standard colors for text in a theme. If you use a theme on your presentation, a theme is always equipped with two types of colors for the text, because it gives you more options on what color suits your text and blends with the theme perfectly.
a typical consumer, and the CPI is computed and reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The CPI is a measure of the overall cost of the goods and services bought by a typical consumer , and the CPI is computed and reported by the Bureau of labor statistics. Hence, option C is correct.