The correct answer is Symptom Checklist 90–Revised, Beck Anxiety Inventory, and Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory .
In this case she needs a large battery of exams, also related to anxiety and checking all other bodily factors.
Explanation: A true friend never have to tell you what you have to use or wear. That’s why every person have a free life to decide what kind of brand or clothes without any brand wear.
And it’s important to know that if your friend wants that you only wear jeans of some brand, that friend is not a true or a good friend. Because he or she will have to love you with your free decisions.
Bruh where is the phrase and do you mean ratify??? If you mean ratify, it means to give consent or a sign
Suffrage wouldn’t have expanded to every US citizen, and may have only been for white land owning males.
Grover Cleveland
Dole sent a delegation to Washington in 1894 seeking annexation, but the new President, Grover Cleveland, opposed annexation and tried to restore the Queen. Dole declared Hawaii an independent republic.