Stay safe online make sure not to give any personal info. Don’t talk to any strangers definitely if it can be prevented. If you feel uncomfortable and you feel like you are being used under any circumstances you need to tell a adult.
1) matches A)
2) matches C)
3) matches B)
1) Illness : It can be defined as A) the individual patient's experience of being unwell
2) Sickness : It can be defined as C) an individual's public expression of his or her health, including social expectations about how one should behave and how others will respond
3) Disease : It can be defined as B) a discrete natural entity that can be clinically identified and treated by a health professional
The circulation system works with the digestive as well as the respiratory <span>system.
They must try to keep away from cooking jobs in case they spread the disease and they must wash their hands to help keep away the chances of distributing bacteria must also go to the doctor a lot in order to stay updated on there disease. look at typhoid. typhoid Mary had it and transferred it to over 40 people of whom lots died
I think its thru blood cells im not sure though.