The answer is that the equatorial regions receive sun rays closest to the vertical (direct rays) because of their position relative to the equator where the tilting of the earth only mildly affects the climate. The climate along the equator changes very little through out the year and has summer like conditions for most of the year.
However the other regions may receive direct sun rays but for far more limited periods. In the months of July and August (summer months), the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun and receives the most direct rays. The opposite occurs in December and January when it is tilted away from the sun and thus winter sets in, whereas the southern hemisphere is at this time tilted toward the sun and receives the most direct sun rays.
The correct answer is: The speed of sound is faster in the water than in the air.
The speed of sound is different between those two mediums because they have different densities. Since, water is denser than air, more energy is required to generate a wave but once it stars, it travels faster than it would do in air. Sound waves’ travel can be presented by particles that transmit the energy one to another as they bump. The sound speed is lower in the air (than in water) because particles are far apart, so they travel further before they collide.
Increasing the temperature will cause an increase in the kinetic energy of molecules which will change its state to gas.
la selección natural es el mecanismo principal por el cual la evolución ocurre
Charles Darwin fue un naturalista inglés que propuso la teoría de la evolución o 'descendencia con modificación' mediante el mecanismo de selección natural. Acorde a esta teoría, la selección natural se define como el mecanismo selectivo de reproducción diferencial de los individuos mejor adaptados a su ambiente. La variabilidad es el la materia prima sobre la cual la selección natural actúa, seleccionado aquellos individuos que presentan combinaciones fenotípicas y genotípicas más adaptadas para sobrevivir en un ambiente en particular. Los individuos de una población que son 'superiores adaptativamente' poseen más chances de sobrevivir y reproducirse, y por lo tanto tienen también más probabilidades de transmitir sus genes a la siguiente generación.
Low infiltration capacity means that the soil cannot absorb much water per volume. The first step in erosion in a landscape dominated by low-infiltration capacity is the raindrop splash. This is where raindrops displace the soil from their original place because the soil cannot absorb adequate amounts of water.