Adam Smith is considered to be the key figure of the Scottish Enlightenment, economist, philosopher and author, the pioneer of political econony, laid the foundations of the free market economic theory, also known as the "Father of Economy". One of his most famous works is "Wealth of Nations". The key ideas of this work are the economic free market program, where everyone has the opportunity based on the division of labor, the achievement of wealth and prosperity growth. Also, the key ideas were to minimize the role of government intervention and taxation on free markets, as well as the idea of an invisible hand that leads supply and demand. It can be said that Smith laid the foundations of a modern economy.
The answer is: C.
Option: A. Spain and Portugal form the Iberian Peninsula
B. The English channel helped protect the island nation of Britain from invasion.
The Iberian peninsula is in southwest part of Europe, which occupies Portugal and Spain.
Hitler zeal to invade England in 1940 was not accomplished because of this channel and the weak navy forces. In history, the English Channel has protected Britain from the invasion by the Dutch, Spain, Belgium and Napoleon during the Napoleon War.
Advertising a product changed from simply announcing the existence of a product in a dull, dry fashion to persuading the public they needed and deserved to own the product. By developing repeat customers, advertising also helped build brand loyalty for the company.
n 1908, the Japanese and American governments arrived at what became known as the "Gentlemen's Agreement"; Japan agreed to limit emigration to the U.S., while the U.S. granted admission to the wives, children, and other relatives of immigrants already resident.