The Neolithic (/ˌniːoʊˈlɪθɪk/ (About this soundlisten),[1] also known as the "New Stone Age"), the final division of the Stone Age, began about 12,000 years ago when the first developments of farming appeared in the Epipalaeolithic Near East, and later in other parts of the world. The Neolithic division lasted (in that part of the world) until the transitional period of the Chalcolithic from about 6,500 years ago (4500 BC), marked by the development of metallurgy, leading up to the Bronze Age and Iron Age. In other places the Neolithic lasted longer. In Northern Europe, the Neolithic lasted until about 1700 BC, while in China it extended until 1200 BC. Other parts of the world (including the Americas and Oceania) remained broadly in the Neolithic stage of development until European contact.[2]
The oldest recognizable signs of permanent human habitation and urbanization go back abut 12,500 years -- sites like Jericho<span> and </span>Göbekli Tepe<span> both show persistent communities who had the resources to build permanent structures and enough surplus food and labor to support specialists -- however both of those sites also show that hunting remained an important component of the community's way of life. There are certainly other examples of permanent settlements from this same period scattered around, particularly in the region of modern Syria, Turkey, Armenia and Iraq. </span>
The Great Schism is the title given to the rift that formed in the Church in the eleventh century A.D. This separation led to the "Roman Catholic" Church, hereafter known as the Western Church, and the "Greek Catholic" or "Greek Orthodox” Church, hereafter known as the Eastern Church.
Answer = A. After World War 1
After the end of WW1 (1918) the roaring twenties began (1920) and jazz really blew up in the united states but ended at the start of the great depression.