The three major issues that cut across psychology are stability versus change, rationality versus irrationality and nature-nurture issue.
Stability versus change deals with the issue of whether human beings change as they grow older or they remain essentially the same.
Rational versus irrationality illustrates the disparity between a human's mind ability to perceive and interpret correctly or incorrectly.
Nature - nurture issue centered on the relative contribution of genetic inheritance and environmental factors to human development.
It’s A an generation that’s the only one that makes sense because evolution is a change over time too
Answer is labyrinthodont
About 110 million years ago, labyrinthodonts ( maze-toothed), a group of extinct amphibians. They were evolved from lobed-finned fish in the Devonian period. They were dominant animals in the rift valley was present at that time between Antarctica and Australia.
I think the answer is two
Nonrenewable energy resources, like coal, nuclear, oil, and natural gas, are available in limited supplies. This is usually due to the long time it takes for them to be replenished. Renewable resources are replenished naturally and over relatively short periods of time.