Extraction of oil from tar sands is not economically feasible.
D. When you are analyzing DNA of organisms
Cladistics is focused on tracing common ancestors, which relies not only on physical characteristics but also DNA evidences. Cladistics is also known as modern taxonomy. Linnean taxonomy is more on the physical characteristics, which is also called traditional taxonomy. As technology progressed so did taxanomic categories, which allowed researchers to compare DNA to determine similarities in seemingly unrelated animals.
The right answer is chromosome > DNA > gene.
Living cell element, of characteristic shape and in constant number, located in the nucleus of the cell.
DNA, which is our chromosome, carries the genes
. The DNA molecule, also known as deoxyribonucleic acid, is found in all our cells.
The gene is a piece of this DNA that corresponds to a particular genetic information that codes for a single protein. So it's a very small portion of chromosome.
Urine forms as some of the blood plasma spills out, some of these spilled plasma components are taken back up into the blood, and other material is selectively sent out to be added to the urine. In other words, there are three main things happening to form urine.
glomerular filtration (blood plasma spills out) bullet tubular reabsorption (some items are selectively reabsorbed into the blood) bullet tubular secretion (some blood plasma items are selectively sent out into the tubules)